Using Android: To exchange Liquid Bitcoin (L-BTC) for USDt or vice versa, you must first acquire some L-BTC. To do this, simply go to the marketplace or select the Swap option from the home screen swap to obtain L-BTC, only then will you be able to exchange L-BTC for USDt.
Remember, you can also obtain L-BTC in AQUA by receiving any Lightning payments in your wallet.
On IOS: Swap and Buy Bitcoin features have been temporarily disabled.
If you need to send USDt, the fees are paid using Liquid Bitcoin (L-BTC), so you need some L-BTC to be able to move your Tether assets.
If you don't have L-BTC, you can load up your L-BTC balance simply by receiving Bitcoin via Lightning in AQUA, or by acquiring and withdrawing L-BTC from an exchange that supports Liquid, such as Bitfinex, BtcTurk, BTSE or Bull Bitcoin.
You can also use any supported trading pair on or Changelly if you need to get some L-BTC.
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Am trying to open wallet
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